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The Russian Billionaire: A Romantic Suspense Novel Page 13

  “Finish the job, Raine,” he grates.

  I take pity on him and milk him once again.

  He responds with a guttural almost haunting groan, then suddenly comes with a roaring shout. Hot cum bursts from his cock, into my mouth, and flows down my throat. I swallow it and never stop sucking until his body stills, until there is no more to be milked. Licking my lips, after swallowing every bit of his release, I’m about to rise when I see his hands violently gripping the edge of the desk. I look up and see his face is strangely tense.

  Hell, he’s not finished.

  His head is thrown back and his body jerks suddenly as he strokes the shaft himself, and keeps coming, the thick liquid spraying over my chest. I quickly grab the rogue cock and slip it back into my mouth to soothe it. I keep on sucking it until he is finished. Finally, he looks down on me.

  I find his eyes misty and full of astonishment. This has never happened to him before. Instantly, my heart swells to bursting. At that moment, I’m so happy I almost want to float away, completely overcome with a wild and incomparable bliss.

  I did that. I made his eyes fill with wonder and wild emotion.

  Me, little, inexperienced, farm girl, Raine Fillander.


  We sit on the terrace sipping Mai Tai cocktails. The sun has already set and the stars are starting to show in the darkening sky. It is very beautiful and tranquil. I turn to Konstantin and find him watching me intently.

  “What is it?” I ask softly.

  “Today my assistant found someone else who is the right match to donate bone marrow to your sister.”

  My jaw drops with astonishment. “No. The cost of the procedure will sky rocket.”

  “The money is not important,” he says quietly. “I don’t want you to suffer.”

  I leave my chair and go to kneel next to him. I touch his face tenderly. Day by day my love for him grows deeper and deeper. Sometimes I am afraid I will become one of his desperate exes but I cannot help myself. He is so amazing.

  “You don’t understand. I want to do it for Maddy. It is my pleasure to suffer for her.”

  He leans his forehead against mine and sighs. “I don’t like it, but as you wish.”

  “Thank you for everything you have done for us. I don’t know if I will ever be able to repay you, but my mother wants to thank you herself. She wants to invite you over to dinner. Our home is very small and cramped, but do you think you could bear to accept her invitation if it is just for an hour or so?”

  He puts his fingers over my mouth. “Why do you say things like that when you know I’ve been very poor for a long time? All this money is nice to have, but there are far more important things in life.”

  “Like the secret project you’re working on?” I blurt out without meaning to.

  He stills. “Yes.”

  “I know you can’t tell me about it, so let’s just change the subject.”

  “No, wait. I want to tell you. I trust you.” He pulls me into his lap and I lean against his chest and look up into his face.

  “What do you know about singularity?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” I confess.

  “The definition of singularity is a hypothetical point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Now, it may seem to the ordinary person that moment is far away in the future, but he would be very wrong to think that. Our civilization is actually moving at breakneck speed towards humanity+.”

  I gaze into his eyes. “Humanity+?”

  “It’s another way of describing transhumanism.”

  “Ah, the merging of humans with machines and the rise of the superhuman.”

  He strokes my hair. “That’s the Hollywood movie version, and how transhumanist proponents sell the idea to the public. Humans accessing the internet without having to plug something into their bodies must mean the interface with the machines can better serve humans. But if you study the scientific papers they publish, you will quickly find that what they tell you is a barefaced lie. In fact, it is about giving the machine better access and control of the human body. It is about monitoring what goes on inside the human body: synthetic telepathy and reading our emotions. It goes without saying that if you can read it out, then you can also play it in using the same channel. Transhumanism it turns out is the perfect method of control. It is the wet dream of every government and every control crazed sociopath. They will be able to decide how you feel and what you think.”

  “Jesus!” I exclaim, shocked. “That’s what transhumanism is truly about?”

  “Yes. Without going into the complicated scientific explanations of encapsulated quantum dots, DNA absorbing light photons, and nanotubes and fibres, that is the simplest way I can explain it to you.”

  I lean away from him. “That sounds terrible. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves?”

  “The problem is most people will not understand what they are getting into. They will not do their own research. They are too busy putting food on the table and paying their bills. They will simply Google it, and since Google is one of the major players in the push towards transhumanism, it is unlikely they find the truth anywhere on Google’s search results. Once they have Googled it they will feel they have done their due diligence, Next step is to go ahead and sign up to become a superhuman. The effect will only become apparent when the machine has taken over, when it is too late.”

  I shake my head in wonder. “Would governments really do that to their own people? I mean, I can hardly believe it.”

  “Governments have poisoned and killed their own citizens since time immemorial. As I said before, the research and implementation is going at breakneck speed. They are almost at the cusp of rolling it out. All they need is an excuse which they will create at their pleasure. There is only a small window of opportunity left to warn people not to fall for the trick.

  “Is that what you are doing, warning people?”

  “No. That’s not my expertise. I am building an alternative internet platform.”

  “An alternative internet? Why?”

  “The time will come when anyone who is not part of the AI hive mind will be prohibited from utilizing the internet. That is when our system will come alive. It will be separate from their centralized internet and exist completely outside their control. Which means they can never shut it down.”

  At that moment I think of the painting. “There are people trying to stop you, aren’t there?”

  “Yes, there are very powerful people trying very hard to stop us, but our alliance is very strong and we have a secret advantage they do not know about.”

  I can’t stop thinking about the painting. It bothers me that Catherine has never contacted me since I moved it to the spare room. What if it’s not a listening device? What if it’s something else I don’t understand? I decide to get rid of the painting tomorrow.

  “I’m leaving for Amalfi, in Italy tomorrow night. I’m going there to meet a Russian hacker. I’ll be staying there for two days in a small, old fashioned hotel built into a cliff. It won’t be glamorous, but will you come with me?”

  I chew my bottom lip. “I’d love to, Konstantin, but I have to work.”

  “You were working two jobs to pay for your sister’s medical bills. You don’t have them anymore, why not give one up?”

  “You’re right. I don’t know why I’m still doing it. Maybe it’s just a habit.”

  “Give your notice and come with me.”

  “All right.”

  Blake Law Barrington

  “What good fortune it is for governments that people do not think.”

  -Adolf Hitler

  * * *

  I put the phone down after speaking to Konstantin and swivel my chair around to stare out of the window. Things are starting to happen, but I can’t help feeling worried. There is a tight ball of anxiety in my gut. It is all too easy. I alone, from everyone in our group, understan
ds our enemy. I know because I am their spawn.

  Only I know how utterly ruthless and powerful they are.

  The others are full of hope, zeal, and innocence. They have never met the enemy. Only I have seen their faces and known their dastardly deeds. Only I know how depraved they are. It is almost impossible to tell the others about them. They will wither away in shock. The human mind cannot conceive of the pure evil that lurks in the true psychopath. He is actually insane. He looks totally normal, he functions perfectly, and can blend into society seamlessly, he may even be considered charming, but he is criminally and irreparably insane.

  And it is his kind that rules our world.

  There is a quick knock on my door and my oldest son, Sorab, comes into the room. I swivel around and smile at him. Every time I see him my heart swells with pride. He is seven now, and it is almost impossible for me to think of him as humanity’s hope, but if I do this right, he will be. One day, he will battle the dark forces that seek to destroy life as we know it and win.

  “Hi, Dad,” he says, as he uses his palms to hoist himself onto my desk next to me.

  “Hi,” I reply. Just by looking at his face I can tell something is troubling him.



  “Why can’t I have a smartphone? All the other kids do,” he complains.

  “Because smartphones are bad for kids.”

  “But if smartphones are so bad how come all the other parents allow their kids to have them?”

  “What does it matter what other people do?” I ask gently. “If something is wrong, it is wrong, and you shouldn’t do it.”

  “I don’t understand what is so wrong about it. I just want to play some games, talk to my friends.”

  “Tomorrow when you go to school, I want you to watch your friends while they are on the phone. I want you to watch their faces. You see them staring at their screen with a vacant expression in their faces. Do you know why that is?”

  He stares at me, his eyes as blue as mine. Only they have not seen the horrors I have.

  “No,” he replies sulkily.

  “Because they are in a literal state of hypnosis as they automatically and mindlessly browse and scroll while losing track of time and the world around them. Each additional daily hour of screen time increases the child’s risk of becoming addicted, or even affecting his or her long term mental health.”

  “But, Dad. I only want to use it for short periods. I promise I won’t use it for ages and ages like the other kids. I don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t have one.”

  “Okay. So you’ll only use it for a short time. During that short time you are in a state of hypnosis, who and what is going to have a direct line into your head?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you think what you have on the net comes out of nowhere? It is produced by corporations that are only interested in profit. They do not care for you. In fact, they want you to become addicted so you will keep on browsing mindlessly for the rest of your life.”

  “Don’t the other parents know that?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Some do and don’t care because they want a bit of peace, others have no idea they are not only giving amoral corporations direct access to their children, but also allowing them to shape their young minds into whatever they want.”

  “Yeah, but I’m the only one who doesn’t have one,” he mutters, looking gloomily at his feet.

  “I know it’s hard for you, but you know, you’re not like all the other kids, right? You have to be ready for when they come for you.”

  He lifts his head and looks at me. I feel my heart break at the expression on his face. He just wants to be a kid, but he can’t because we are one of the hidden thirteen bloodlines of intergenerational wealth families the conspiracy theorists talk about. For hundreds of years we have ruled from the shadows until I stepped out. Said no. They still want my son. They will come for him and he must be ready to stand up to them or they will destroy him.

  “Yeah, I know,” my son says sadly.

  “Good. I love you, my dear, dear son and I will give up my life to protect you. Always remember that.”

  He smiles. “Smartphones are stupid anyway.”

  I ruffle his silky hair. He gets that from his mother. “That’s my boy. Shall we go practice some Jiu Jitsu?”

  He jumps off the desk eagerly. “Okay, Dad.”


  The Power Of Love

  * * *

  We travel during the night and arrive in Amalfi in the afternoon. The sky is azure and the sun is a white in the sky, and I can taste the salt of the ocean in the air. I instantly fall in love with the town with its cobblestone streets and its colorful houses. It is picture postcard pretty.

  Our hotel is small and cute. It is also very old fashioned. Once you step through the wooden doors into the cool air inside, it is like you have gone back in time. Or stepped into the movie set of Casablanca. We walk to the reception where a portly man in a waistcoat checks us in by writing our names with a fountain pen into a narrow book. Then he hands over a large metal key with a yellowing paper tag on which the room number is written in ink.

  Talk about old-fashioned.

  The bellhop, a chatty boy in his teens, shows us to our room. As Konstantin tips him, I walk over to the window. To my surprise, I realize the hotel is actually at the edge of a cliff. There is a sheer drop below to the sea. The ocean sparkles in the sunlight.

  I hear the door close and turn around. “Why this hotel?”

  “Because the walls are so thick no one can hear you scream,” he teases.

  I grin. “And the other reason?”

  “There is no internet or surveillance cameras.”

  “Ah, right.”

  “Do you feel like having Italian ice cream?”

  “What kind of question is that? Of course, I do.”

  He smiles at me. “Let’s go.”

  So we go out for a walk in the town. It is colorful with tourists. Konstantin takes me to a Gelateria and treats me to the most delicious ice cream I have ever tasted in my life. We sit on a wooden bench facing the sea and eat it. Very soon there are big seagulls flying around us. Their wing spans are quite impressive. Their eyes are beady and somehow give the impression of cold creatures, but they are so tame they land on the ground close to us.

  They want to share our food. I break off bits of my cone and throw the pieces to them. They fight over the scraps and Konstantin breaks off his cone and throws it to them. The gesture shows me the heart of the man. Generous. He is generous.

  And I think how very, very lucky I am.

  We go into a quaint old shop where I buy a big box of sweets, pastries, a bottle of good olive oil, artichokes, and local cheeses for my mom and Maddy. Everything looks so fresh and real, even some of the fruit and vegetables being sold are misshapen as if they came off a small family owned farm.

  We go back to the room and while I am in the bath Konstantin goes to meet the hacker who is also staying in one of the hotel’s rooms. He is back while I am still in the bath so he comes into the bathroom and gently washes me.

  We end up on the old-fashioned bed, which creaks. We laugh until we can laugh no more. We go to dinner in a seafood restaurant. Always when I am with Konstantin I have the impression I am in a dream. One day I will wake up and it will all be gone. It is what I feel when the waiters come to our table. They are all outrageous flirts and flatters.

  They strip you with their hot eyes, but they do it all with such flamboyant flair you cannot take offence. It is all part of the dining experience. When we get back to the room, Konstantin falls on me. Apparently, he did take offence. He is wild with lust. Like an animal he claims me as his and… only his.

  Again and again. All night long.

  I go to sleep with the sound of the sea crashing on the rocks below. I am in a dream. A beautiful dream. When I wake up the sun is high
in the sky. I turn and watch Konstantin, but he is already awake and watching me.

  “Hey,” he whispers.

  “Have you been watching me sleep?”

  “Is that creepy?”

  “It would be if it was not you,” I whisper. I nearly blurt out then that I have fallen in love with him, but I hold myself back. There will be time later. No need to rush. No need to rush at all.

  “You look like an angel when you sleep. All that blonde hair is like a halo, and your skin is so flawless… you’re so beautiful.”

  “My mouth is too big for me to be considered beautiful,” I mumble, slightly embarrassed by his compliments.

  “Your mouth is perfect. My cock fits perfectly in it.”

  “Ugh… the things you say,” I complain, pulling my pillow out from under my head and try to smack his head with it, but he catches it and rolls on top of me, his hard shaft pressing against my thigh.

  “I love your mouth,” he growls possessively. “Every time I see it I want to either fuck it or fuck you.”

  I stare into his eyes. In the sunlight pouring in from the windows they look so beautiful. “So what’s stopping you now?” I challenge.

  “Sometimes I can hardly believe you’re real,” he murmurs almost to himself. “Can someone so innocent and pure really exist in this day and age?”

  Instantly, I remember the painting. I am not pure and innocent. Until I tell him about it, what we have is a lie. The thought is painful. It ruins the dream. To forget I push him off me. He allows me to. Then I shimmy down and take his cock in my mouth.

  The whole time he watches greedily as his big erect cock disappears between my lips and goes into my throat.


  * * *

  The call from Thorne comes as soon as we touch down in the US.